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Greasemonkey script for automating aspects of the Kingdoms of Camelot Facebook game. KoC Power Bot KoC Power BOT is designed for use in conjunction with KoC Power
Kingdom of camelot barb bots
Kingdoms of Camelot Ep.13 No mic.
Kingdom of camelot barb bots
Barbarian Camps- Make Sure All Data is Accurate or it will be removed by "Peer User";' All Grids
Remembers your attacks and when you last attacked them. Displays levels & player names on the map
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requested video, as title. please remember these are the troop numbers that I use, the camps can be beaten in many different ways and this is meant as a guide.
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Boots - Health and Beauty, Pharmacy and. Kingdoms of Camelot Attack helper for.
sorry boys no mic somethime just dont have time so sorry and i hope you enjoy also i hope you like the music and i hope you all comment like and sub and